Tucker Carlson: The Story You Need to Know

Published on 09/05/2017


We already said that Carlson and his met while at school but did you know that Susan’s father was actually the headmaster there?! While at St. Andrews, Carlson asked Rev. Andrews for permission to marry his daughter, Susan, just six months before he graduated. This duo carried on dating after high school and college, just six months before he gradated, he asked for permission. “All very 19th-century, but a good thing to do,” Carlson said during a 2000 People Magazine interview. “She was the cutest 10th grader in America.”




No Oprah

That’s right, Tucker Carlson doesn’t allow his son to watch Oprah as he believes her show is very ‘anti-male’. He made the bold statement to support his reasoning, “When I had a son, I stopped watching Oprah because it was just too anti-male, and I felt like I didn’t want to bring him up in a home where Oprah was constantly attacking men. And remember, keep your boys away from Oprah and it will make them feel bad about being male. It’s absolutely true. Keep your girls away from rap, keep your boys away from Oprah. And everybody will be fine.”

No Oprah

No Oprah