Not A True Conservative
Ahem, Carlson has gone on to say that former U.S. President George W. Bush is “not a true conservative”. Back in an August 27, 2004, during a Washington Post interview, Carlson discussed his “displeasure with Bush”. Carlson went on to ask: “Why do so many antiwar liberals give [John] Kerry a pass when he adopts the Bush view on Iraq, as he has? The amount of team-playing on the left depresses me.”

Not A True Conservative
2004 Is A No
When it time to vote in the 2004 election, Carlson did not! His reason? Well he was completely disgusted with the Iraq War and the small-government Republican Party. He said, “I don’t know what you consider conservative, but I’m not much of a liberal, at least as the word is currently defined. For instance, I’m utterly opposed to abortion, which I think is horrible and cruel. I think affirmative action is wrong. I’d like to slow immigration pretty dramatically. I hate all nanny state regulations, such as seat belt laws and smoking bans. I’m not for big government. I think the U.S. ought to hesitate before intervening abroad. I think these are conservative impulses. So by my criteria, Bush isn’t much of a conservative.”

2004 Is A No