First of all, Tucker Carlson is allowed to his own beliefs and with that being said, he doesn’t believe that Russia is a real threat to the United States of America. As such, Carlson has even called for the U.S. to work alongside Russia in the Syrian Civil War. According to Peter Beinart of the Atlantic, Carlson has also been an “apologist for Donald Trump on the Russia scandal”. Moreover, Carlson went on to describe the controversy of Donald Trump Jr. accepting the anti-Clinton information from a Russian government official as a totally “new level of hysteria” and said that Trump Jr. had only been “gossiping with foreigners.”

Public Opinion
Okay, so not everyone is a fan of Carlson’s. In fact, The New York Times James Poniewozik once wrote that, “Mr. Carlson does not seek to interview his subjects but to defeat them … He shifts topics to imply hypocrisies … He prods, pounces, guffaws and interrupts … The camera holds tight on his face to show every squint of bemusement, contempt and confusion. (His default face is that of a bear puzzling out how to get at a beehive.) A long ‘Ohhhhh’ means he believes a guest has just let slip a secret agenda. ‘I agree with you!’ means he does not agree at all.”

Public Opinion