15+ Staggering Images Of Life Inside North Korea

Published on 07/26/2017

Count The Ways

Not only are you getting a glimpse into just a handful of hotels that tourists are allowed to stay in while in North Korea, but it also has a working elevator. Although when you take a closer look, you notice that the fifth floor is missing. Turns out that floor five is off-limits to all tourists, but if you somehow manage to sneak a peek, you’ll only find propaganda posters.

A Missing Floor

Count The Ways


Just Outrageous

Ahem, we’d like to note that technically it is not illegal for a citizen to defect. On that note, it is however illegal to defect when you have not paid the fee. Yup, there’s a fee involved when one defects. That law was imposed by Kim Jong-Un, although he raised the price to $8,000. Yes, really. And when you consider that most citizen’s live in poverty, $8,000 is totally unrealistic.

8000 Defecting Fee

Just Outrageous