Payback Though
Back in 2005, Mark Harmon asked that no one make a big deal about his birthday. However, Lauren Holly had other tricks up her sleeve – especially as she often a “victim” of Harmon’s practical jokes. Therefore she teamed up with Michael Weatherly (Tony) to prepare a birthday extravaganza. The night before Harmon’s birthday, Weatherly called Holly when filming wrapped up and the duo got to work. Every member of the crew was given t-shirts that read “It’s Mark Harmon’s Birthday.” They covered Harmon’s trailer with crepe paper, helium balloons, and piñatas, then they dumped tons of confetti everywhere. Every single wall, truck, and trailer had a picture of Harmon on it. Holly had to fly back home so she wasn’t around to see Harmon’s reaction. Apparently the producers were worried that Harmon would react negatively and would want to know who was behind it so when they called Weatherly, he replied, “I’m not going to name any names. Lauren Holly”. Harmon was actually really touched by the gesture, but he did tell Lauren with a cheeky grin, “Payback’s a b**ch”.

Payback Though
Ralph Waite plays Jethro Gibbs’s father, Jackson. Well, Jackson Gibbs was a fighter pilot in World War II for the US Army Air Force. AND, get this, so was Mark Harmon’s real life father, Tom Harmon.

Daddy O