Queen Latifah (Dee Dee)
Whoa, talk about fashion courses, check out Queen Latifah as Dee Dee. How fabulous is she?! Denise Williams aka Dee Dee was introduced during the “She Ain’t Heavy” episode. Will goes on a date with her, but they end up becoming good friends. Do we need to catch you up on Queen Latifah these days? Well she’s a singer, model, rapper, songwriter, TV host, producer and actress, so she really has kept busy! Some more recent movies she starred in include, Girls Trip, 22 Jump Street, Bessie and Hairspray.

Queen Latifah (Dee Dee)
Ebony Solomon (Paula Hoover)
It was hard to like Ebony’s character Paula since she bullied Ashley at school. Eventually, the girls work it out sort of, but we’re still bitter. Anyway, this was Ebony’s first role believe it or not! Afterwards, she had roles in many films and shows like, One Eight Seven, Day of the Dead 2: Contagium, Babylon 5, Sister, Sister and ER. Though her acting career has come to a halt since 2005. Well, we’re all on the look out for any new appearances from her!

Ebony Solomon (Paula Hoover)