Family Dog Grabs Baby, But Then Mom Sees Surprising Reason Why

Published on 01/08/2018

Hoping For Recovery

Looking into Khan’s eyes gave Catherine everything she needed to know. There was no debating now that he protected her child because he had unconditional love to give. This solidified his place in their home and family. Now, Catherine would have the chance to return the favor. Her baby was safe and she could pay full attention to the sick dog. Once the vets took over, she cried because of how helpless she felt and prayed he would recover.

Hoping For Recovery

Hoping For Recovery


The Update On Khan

Catherine tried to be patient as the vets worked on Khan. Even knowing he was in the hands of experts did not stop her from worrying. In the pit of her stomach she felt sick. She hoped they wouldn’t lose this new member of their family. Then, the vets approached her with an update. She bombarded them with questions.

The Update On Khan

The Update On Khan