Swim Fast: The Deadliest Creatures Under The Sea

Published on 10/15/2017

Stone Fish

Synanceia verrucosa is its real name, and also the sound you would probably make if you tried to call for help after being stung. With sharp and pointy needles coated in venom, the stone fish raises its spears to protect itself when it feels threatened or disturbed. It’s impressive camouflage skills make it almost impossible for us to notice alongside real stones.


Stone Fish


Sea Snakes

Although there are many kinds of sea snakes, they are all quite poisonous. The good news is that they are usually calm and not aggressive, just don’t corner or threaten them. There are some of whose venom is so potent that just 3 drops can kill up to 8 people. Easy now, their fangs are really short and can’t penetrate diving suits. Guess who’s going to the surf store today.

Sea Snakes

Sea Snakes