Swim Fast: The Deadliest Creatures Under The Sea

Published on 10/15/2017

Killer Whale

Do you remember Free Willy? That lovable hunk of whale was everyone’s dream pet. But where exactly would you put a killer whale? They are known to be friendly animals, unless threatened, of course. In February 2010, a killer whale named Tilikum, killed its trainer by pulling her into the water by her ponytail and drowning her.

Killer Whale

Killer Whale


Box Jellyfish

Unlike other deadly animals that have razor-sharp fangs, strong limbs or even beautiful colors to attract prey, the box jellyfish is as much an obvious threat as a cube of jello is. What many people don’t know, is that aside from the venomous tentacles it swims with, it can kill a human in a matter of minutes. Some effects of its sting, even after being treated, could be permanent seizures and other nervous system complications.

Box Jellyfish

Box Jellyfish