Rod Serling Wrote 94 Episodes
Now, we all know Rod Serling was incredibly gifted, but did you realize he wrote 94 out of the 156 episodes? Then, that kind of dedication was unheard of since he was also the narrator and The Twilight Zone showrunner! Eventually, his schedule got so intense he would dictate story-lines into a dictaphone so a secretary could transcribe it later. Between the his workaholic nature, chain smoking and family history, many weren’t surprised at his early death from a heart attack when he was only 50 years old. Luckily, Serling did bring on other talented writers to help with the workload, which takes us to our next bizarre fact.

Rod Serling Wrote 94 Episodes
Writer Charles Beaumont’s Strange And Tragic End
One famous writer Serling turned to for help with The Twilight Zone was horror author, Charles Beaumont. His most famous The Twilight Zone episodes were, “Long Live Walter Jameson,” “Living Doll,” “Number 12 Looks Just Like You,” and “The Howling Man.” Like Serling, he fell victim to an early death, but he was just 38 years old. Apparently, Beaumont suffered from a strange illness that made him appear well beyond his actual age and left him physically and mentally feeble. Rumors of Spinal Meningitis, Alzheimer’s or Bromo-seltzer poisoning have been brought up, yet no official cause of death was ever announced. However, his son did say in The Twilight Zone Companion of his dad, that “he looked ninety-five and was, in fact, ninety-five by every calendar except the one on your watch.” Beaumont’s former writing partner named William Nolan even said, “Like his character ‘Walter Jameson,’ Chuck just dusted away.”

Writer Charles Beaumont’s Strange And Tragic End