Top 15 Craziest Fanbases in the World of Sports

Published on 01/17/2018

Borussia Dortmund Fans

You’d think you were looking directly at the sun from close range by the amount of yellow that floods through the stadium of a Borussia Dortmund match. This club has earned the mantle of the “B team” of fans globally because it is so easy to get swept in the excitmenet that manifests itself at one of their games.

Borussia Dortmund Fans

Borussia Dortmund Fans

Colombia Soccer Fans

How hardcore of a soccer fan to you have to be to decide to shoot and kill one of your team’s players? When Andrés Escobar Saldarriaga mistakenly scored an own goal during the 1994 FIFA World Cup, fans were fuming. He ended their chances of continuing in the competition, and it was then their decision to stop his life from continuing when they shot and killed him.

Colombia Soccer Fans

Colombia Soccer Fans