30 Facts From the Incredible Story of Phil Collins

Published on 12/31/2017

He wasn’t the original singer of Genesis

To really understand Collins ascension to the top of the musical world, you’d have to understand that he was originally hired as only the drummer for Genesis. Then by way of the charity that is good fortune, the original singer (Peter Gabriel) ditched the band, allowing Collins to take his place. Of course, if you already have your online degree in music history then you probably knew this.

He Wasnt The Original Singer Of Genesis

He wasn’t the original singer of Genesis

Phil Collins is focused on charity

Well, specifically charity in relation to The Alamo. Collins has been fascinated by the story of the Alamo ever since his childhood and he has bought and donated several historical Alamo-related items to charity so that they can go into museums in Texas. Does this mean that Collins has an online degree in Texan history? We doubt it, but it wouldn’t surprise us either.

Phil Collins Is Focused On Charity

Phil Collins Is Focused On Charity