Red Gerrard Has The Craziest Morning
Now, this Olympic moment was hysterical. 17 year old American snowboarder quickly became an internet sensation when he became the first American to win gold during the 2018 Winter Olympics. Now, he didn’t go viral just because he won gold. Apparently, this young snowboarder fell asleep watching Netflix the night before his big race. Then he woke up late Saturday morning and could not find his jacket. Thus, he borrowed his roommate’s jacket, made it to the event on time, put on a nimble and creative run winning plenty of style point, but that’s not all. He also swore on television when hearing his final score. Now, he’s an internet sensation!

Red Gerrard Has The Craziest Morning
1992 Dream Team
Basketball in the Olympics changed forever when a trio of guys named Michael Jordan, Patrick Ewing and Charles Barkley all decided to compete together for the Olympic team. This was the first time that active NBA stars competed and it set the tone going forward.

1992 Dream Team