Bill Creasy Gets Greasy
Bill Creasy was the first president of programming for ESPN but even that wouldn’t stop him from being suuuuuuper creepy. Creasy, who was 74 at the time of this event in 2004, demanded that 30 year old assistant Melissa DiMarco sleep over at his mansion for ‘sleepover meetings’. When DiMarco refused she was fired outright. Furthermore, she quickly came back with a sexual harassment suit.

Bill Creasy Gets Greasy
ESPN Sells out to Roger Goodell
The recent slew of concussion related stories surrounding the NFL has not made NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell a happy camper. PBS, who was partnered with ESPN at the time, was going to air a 2013 documentary called the ‘League of Denial’ which was about the NFL’s failure to adapt to treat and prevent concussions. Moreover ESPN canceled the partnership with PBS prior to the documentary airing and after meeting with Roger Goodell. Goodell and the NFL have a deal with ESPN worth $15 billion dollars. Goodbye to fair concussion related reporting at ESPN.

Espn Sells Out To Roger Goodell