Jaycee’s Hope
Her mother founded ‘Jaycee’s Hope’ for fundraising and volunteer efforts. With help from the community, they sold shirts, buttons and sweatshirts to raise funds in order to print and mail more missing posters and flyers. Even the Child Quest International and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children helped the cause. Additionally, the kidnapping was even on an episode of America’s Most Wanted. Sadly, even with all the support from people nationwide, no reliable leads were uncovered. As the months and years passed, they continued to raise awareness by sharing her story.

Jaycee’s Hope
Horrible Treatment
During the beginning of her captivity, Jaycee only spoke with and saw Phillip Garrido. At times, he fed her fast food or told her entertaining stories. She was given a bucket to use as a bathroom. Eventually, Garrido gave her a TV, but she was not permitted to watch the news. Thus, she had no idea about the search efforts. About a month and a half after her capture, Phillip moved Dugard into a bigger room where she was handcuffed her to a bed.

Horrible Treatment