Her Real Father Learned About Her From Kidnapping
While Jaycee was growing up, she never knew her real father. Her mother and step-father were raising her. Jaycee’s real father, Ken Slayton, didn’t even know of Jaycee’s existence until he found out she was kidnapped. Apparently, he had a short fling with Terry Probyn in 1979, but she never told him about her pregnancy. Once Jaycee was rescued, Ken Slayton spoke out, saying he wanted to be in her life. However, Jaycee has stated she is not interested, and her true family is her mother, step-father, Carl, and her daughters.

Her Real Father Learned About Her From Kidnapping
First Wife Cited Abuse
Actually, Nancy Garrido was not the first wife of the infamous Phillip Garrido. They only met while he was serving his prison sentence for the first kidnapping. Nancy had been visiting her uncle there when Phillip caught her eye and the two married at the prison. However, his first wife, Christine Murphy, was a classmate from high school who married him back in 1973 when Phillip was 22. At first, she attempted to leave because he was abusive but he kidnapped her. Three years after that first marriage he kidnapped Katherine Callaway.

First Wife Cited Abuse