Stance Against Stockholm Syndrome
Nowadays, Dugard spends some of her time speaking with psychology residents at medical schools across the country. She specifically requests that they do not use the term, “Stockholm syndrome,” since she claims it’s degrading. The term was popularized after a bank robbing case in Stockholm where the hostages later refused to testify against their captors. Dugard said, “Having my family believe that I was in love with this captor and wanted to stay with him? I mean, that is so far from the truth that it makes me want to throw up. It’s disgusting. I adapted to survive my circumstances. There is just no other way to put it.”

Stance Against Stockholm Syndrome
Bucket List
During her captivity, Jaycee Dugard kept a special bucket list of things she never imagined she would ever do. The very first item was, “See mom.” Since her release, she has been working with JAYC Foundation, which she founded to help trauma victims. She continues to accomplish things on her bucket list like learning how to sail and riding a hot air balloon. She claims, “It’s taken a lot of time and it hasn’t come overnight. You have to put in the hard work and cry and, for sure, laugh about everything that you can.” We know a lot of people must have meeting Oprah on their bucket lists, so it’s pretty amazing Jaycee has met her!

Bucket List