Facing Evil
Jaycee calls her experience, “The prison backyard,” and said, “There’s no denying it. I don’t want to deny it…what it was like being in the backyard. It was so much a part of my life. It’s always there, in the back of my mind. It never really goes away.” During her first day, Garrido took all her clothes, handcuffed her and even burned that pink outfit, her favorite. She says of that beginning, “My first taste of pure evil. Maybe I didn’t register that and go, ‘Oh my God, you’re evil,’ but…there’s something inside of you that knows this is not right.”

Facing Evil
Small Comforts
Initially, Dugard’s only connection to anything in the real world was the tiny TV that Phillip Garrido gave to her. It was set to the QVC network. Thus, Jaycee has memories of falling asleep to jewelry sales and feeling grateful to hear other people’s voices.

Small Comforts