21 Greatest Matches In WrestleMania History

Published on 11/16/2017

Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H — WrestleMania 30

Now, this match, this was one for the books. Bryan was written down as a “B+ player” who didn’t belong in the main event scene but there he was duking it out with Triple H. The pair went back and forth – throwing everything they had at each other. Fans were actually worried that Bryan’s arm would give out every time he went for the injured limb, meanwhile Stephanie McMahon shouted encouragement to her husband and insults to the supposed “B+ player.” But Daniel Bryan would not be denied that night, not a chance. After a Pedigree silenced the crowd, there was an eruption of joy when Bryan kicked out. When his running knee connected with The Games’s face, it became a magical moment. Moreover, Bryan completed the miracle by capturing the WWE World Heavyweight Title in a Triple Threat Match against Randy Orton and Batista later that same night.

Daniel Bryan Vs Triple H Wrestlemania 30

Daniel Bryan Vs Triple H Wrestlemania 30


Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair — WrestleMania 24

Fans knew this match would be legendary before it started, I mean Jim Ross did say so. First off, the stakes were as high as anything as Mr. McMahon said that Flair’s career would end the next time he lost a match, so that led the “Nature Boy” to handpick HBK as his prospective final foe on The Grandest Stage of Them All. The Showstopper flinched at the idea of potentially ending Flair’s livelihood, but the mutual admiration went out the window about five minutes into the match. The Dirtiest Player in the Game used every dirty trick on Michaels, who was slowed by a failed moonsault that splintered the commentary table. But the 16-time World Champ was eventually stuck down and Flair carried on.

Shawn Michaels Vs Ric Flair Wrestlemania 24

Shawn Michaels Vs Ric Flair Wrestlemania 24