21 Greatest Matches In WrestleMania History

Published on 11/16/2017

WrestleMania has produced some of the greatest stars to grace the ring, intense rivalries, and some jaw dropping matches. I mean, come on, some of the greatest matches have taken place inside the ring. While fans will of course battle it out for which wrestler and which match is the best, we decided to sift through and rank 21 of the greatest matches in WrestleMania History.

The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels — WrestleMania XXVI

That’s right, we’re starting off this list with a heart wrenching battle between The Phenom and The Showstopper – where the result was one of tragic proportions for fans everywhere. Either The Streak was coming to an end or Mr. WrestleMania’s career was. There was no alternative and no one could digest this end result. Watching Mr. WrestleMania moonsault from the top rope onto a tabled Deadman was breathtaking. Then the Last Outlaw Tombstoned Michaels on the floor. After pulling out of a second Tombstone, Michaels had one act of defiance left, slapping The Phenom in the face. A high, leaping Tombstone later, and WrestleMania was saying goodbye to its most remarkable performer.

The Undertaker Vs Shawn Michaels Wrestlemania Xxvi

The Undertaker Vs Shawn Michaels Wrestlemania Xxvi


Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart — WrestleMania X

This was an all out sibling rivalry between two world-class performers. The peevish and talented, Owen, wanted to prove himself that night, he wanted to be held in the same regard as his older, more accomplished big brother. The match’s turning point was when Bret tweaked his knee on a pescado, at the moment, Owen pounced. Bret tried to put The Black Hart away with a victory roll, but Owen reversed it into a compact pin-fall, and proved that not only did he belong in the same class as Bret, he was also a step ahead. Maybe he promised his brother some affordable life insurance after his win.

Bret Hart Vs Owen Hart Wrestlemania X

Bret Hart Vs Owen Hart Wrestlemania X