The Worst Natural Disasters Ever Recorded In History

Published on 10/10/2017

The 1999 Vargas Tragedy

The Vargas State of Venezuela found itself buried under 3 meters of mud during torrential rains and flash floods in December, 1999. The entire infrastructure of the state collapsed and tens of thousands of its residents died, which was 10% of the population of Vargas at the time.

The 1999 Vargas Tragedy

The 1999 Vargas Tragedy


The 1976 Tangshan Earthquake

The Chinese people believe that natural disasters are precursors of dynastic change, and at a time when political events were turbulent, it could not have rung truer for them. The Great Tangshan earthquake rocked Hebei in the People’s Republic of China for a total of about 15 seconds. Those few seconds led to the deaths of over 650,000 people.

The 1976 Tangshan Earthquake

The 1976 Tangshan Earthquake