Japanese Special Forces Group
This unit, the SFGp, was established specifically to handle counter-terrorism and conduct military operations, as well as deter guerrilla attacks on the country’s soil. The Japanese gather their recruits from their 1st Airborne Brigade. The SFGp trains at a special facility within the JGSDF Narashino, Chiba camp. In order to conceal their identities, the soldiers have their faces hidden under balaclavas. Unless their commander gives authorization, they must keep them hidden.

Japanese Special Forces Group
Special Actions Detachment
Since their name in Portuguese is Destacamento de Ações Especiais, this elite unit is known as DAE. Part of the Portuguese Navy, they handle maritime counter-terrorism, beach reconnaissance and other related missions. Selection for the DAE is extremely selective and restrictive. A mere 5 to 10 percent of the applicant pool actually joins the force.

Special Actions Detachment