Britain’s Special Boat Service
I guess we can call this the SAS’s sea sister. As the name suggests, this unit deals with most things sea related. “By strength and guile”, they shout – nothing is too challenging for these seamen. Having taken part in hostage rescues abroad, wars across many decades, the SBS is constantly on its top performance. The British army refuses to comment on their current activities.

SBS In Action
The Ghost Army of World War 2
No longer in service, but one of the smartest military units ever created. Yes, it was a special brigade and it not only instilled fear in the enemy, it caused confusion. The 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, known as the Ghost Army, created an entire military garrison that was no army at all. Rather it consisted of inflatable tanks, fake uniforms and loudspeakers blaring the sounds of tanks rolling into positions. It threw the Germans into attacking the wrong location, ultimately granting the allies a victory over their enemies.

Dummy Tank