At a height of 6 feet 2 inches and a weight of 255 pounds, Michael Horton AKA Gemini looked like a true threat. However, the truth was that he was a gentle giant and among the nicest members of the cast. He also came from the NFL like a number of his colleagues on the show. This is why it is not surprising to hear that he went on to become a second-degree black belter and a personal trainer. He has passed on his love of sports onto his sons! Wes Horton even played for the Carolina Panthers and the New Orleans Saints in the NFL before he retired in 2019.

When you compare Lori “Ice” Fetrick to his colleagues on the show, she was pint-sized! She did not only stay on the show because she signed up to join the 114-city Live Tour as well. Fetrick had been an athlete since she was young and even participated in various activities during her time in high school. After American Gladiator, she made guest appearances in a number of TV shows. She also wrote a fitness book and produced a workout video. She later opened a gym and worked as a personal trainer but later switched careers and became a Financial Professional for Transamerica.
