There are Gladiators who stay on the series for years on end, but many do not last longer than a season. Sherilyn Godreau, also known as Raven, was the latter. She did not ever make it to our screens, but she was a part of American Gladiators Orlando Live. Apart from this stint, she has left an impact in a different field. Among other things, she has been crowned Ms. Pro National, Ms. North Florida, Ms. Tampa Bay, Ms. Florida Fitness America, and Ms. St. Petersburg. The people in the bodybuilding scene in Florida probably look up to her as some kind of heroine! She continues to compete and receives steady income by serving as the manager of an Orlando gym called Serenity Fitness Center.

Paul Rogers, also known as “Thor,” got his start by flexing those muscles in the United Kingdom before crossing the pond in 1994. He snagged his American Gladiators stint two years after he went to the US. Two years later, he decided to follow a totally different career. By 2006, he was already serving as a full-time pastor. He and his wife also worked to set up a church of their own in Orlando, Florida! He now spends his days preaching and traveling to other countries in the hopes of spreading a message. Among other things, he likes to deliver speeches that are anti-alcohol and anti-drugs.
