First Big Movie Role
The big break came with his role in Saturday Night Fever. Watching Travolta get down to the Bee-Gees is one of his most memorable movie moments. Again, this movie really launched him into stardom during the 70s. In fact, he danced for nine months in preparation, and practice really made perfect! He was nominated for an Academy Award.

First Big Movie Role
Iconic Role In Grease
Next up, we have the most iconic role for Travolta! We know this is what you have been waiting for, Danny Zuko in Grease. The acclaimed musical finally was adapted to film, becoming the 4th highest-grossing live action musical in history. Of course, fans loved watching the adorable innocent Olivia Newton-John pair up with bad boy Zuko (Travolta). You know what they say, they go together like rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong…whatever that means!

Iconic Role In Grease