Playing Copycat
Travolta starred opposite Nicolas Cage in a very unique role for the movie Face/off. If you haven’t seen it, the 1997 centers around a man who had a face transplant. Thus, Cage and Travolta played the same character but pre and post surgery. In order to fully embrace the role, the two spent two weeks prior to filming learning each other’s movements and mannerisms. They spent hours mimicking each other for practice. Not sure if that was really fun or super annoying, but it sure proves their commitment to the roles!

Playing Copycat
Marlon Brando Fan
One of Travolta’s role models is none other than legendary actor Marlon Brando! Brando had words of wisdom for the younger actor that he told the public in an interview. Brando had told Travolta not to expect things from others that you realize they cannot provide you. Actually, Travolta explained how valuable this advice has been to him even currently. Brando also said that Travolta’s impersonation of him during SNL made him laugh harder than he ever has in his life! Quite the compliment from such an icon!

Marlon Brando Fan