Pulp Fiction Almost Didn’t Happen
Pulp Fiction definitely changed the course of Travolta’s career. However, this life-altering film almost did not happen for him. In fact, director Quentin Tarantino met with Travolta to talk about his vision for the actor. Tarantino wanted Travolta to take the role he was offered in the film From Dusk Till Dawn. Travolta had other plans; he kept insisting on Pulp Fiction. Actually, Tarantino was disappointed with this choice and told Travolta he was just hoping to help. Later on, it came out that Tarantino had pushed for Travolta to be cast in From Dusk Til Dawn very hard, but Pulp Fiction ended up being the better choice for him.

Pulp Fiction Almost Didn’t Happen
Motivated And Hardworking
Things did not always come easy for this now star. With his hard work and determination, he kept himself afloat. Yes, this millionare used to work odd-jobs just to survive and help support his family after dropping out of school. During his time auditioning for parts, he also worked at the grocery store as a checkout boy before being hired as a luggage handler. You gotta start somewhere!

Motivated And Hardworking