Andrew Bogut – Milwaukee Bucks
Picture it, the Bucks center Andrew Bogut at a 2010 game against the Suns, goes for a dunk in the second quarter. Sounds pretty good so far, right? Well, here’s the tragic bit. He landed poorly. Now when we say poorly, we mean, bone crunching poor. It was so bad, everyone knew it the second it happened. The announcers were crying “oh no” over and over, everyone had painful looks upon their faces as they starred at Bogut in horror. You could actually hear him on the telecast, screaming in pain. Bogut suffered a broken hand, sprained wrist, and dislocated elbow.

Andrew Bogut – Milwaukee Bucks
Marquis Daniels – Boston Celtics
This was an injury no one quite understood how it came about, Daniels was driving the ball down the court when he just suddenly fell over. Daniels was barely touched by the defender but he fell and hit his head on the court floor so incredibly hard, everyone heard the thumb over the broadcast. At first, it wasn’t clear what was happening but as soon as the medical staff examined him – it was clear that Daniels wasn’t moving. He lay motionless for five minutes and was carried out on a stretcher. Daniels suffered a bruised spinal cord and somehow only missed 1-2 months.

Marquis Daniels – Boston Celtics