Kimberly Kessler – Randy Orton
Randy Orton, our WWE superstar, planned a candlelit night in Bora Bora for his now-wife Kim Marie Kessler when he proposed. Kimberly has three children from a previous relationship, the identity of whom is unknown. Randy Orton has a child from a previous marriage with Samantha Speno. Kim and Randy tied the knot in Hawaii in 2015. Kim was found to be a member of Randy Orton’s fan club; what a wonderful fact!

Kimberly Kessler – Randy Orton
Rebecca Curci – Sean Michaels
Shawn Michaels was a well-known ring heartthrob, but so was his wife, Rebecca Cursi! Rebecca wrestled as a part of the Nitro GIrls in World Championship Wrestling back in the day. Shawn was smitten by Rebecca and chose to marry her in Las Vegas in 1999. They’ve been together since and have two wonderful children.

Rebecca Curci – Sean Michaels