Jackie Gayda-Haas – Charlie Haas
Jackie Gayda, a semi-retired wrestler like her husband, Charlie Haas, began her wrestling career in 2002. She married Charlie in 2005, and they have four wonderful children. Kayla, Taylor, Thomas, and Charles were their names. The couple is currently operating a nutritional establishment in Texas called “Custom Muscle Nutrition Smoothie Shop.”

Jackie Gayda Haas – Charlie Haas
Meredith Whitney – John Layfield
Who would have guessed it would be a wonderful match between a wrestler and a financial analyst? Meredith Whitney and John Layfield, sometimes known as JBL, are examples of this. They worked together at Fox and fell in love immediately after meeting. They ultimately decided to marry in 2005. Since then, they have been blissfully married. Meredith and JBL are currently residing in their private villa in Bermuda.

Meredith Whitney – John Layfield