Rotten Tomatoes Say That These Are The Top 30 Worst Films Of All Time

Published on 08/04/2022

27. The Treasure of Sierra Madre (1948) – Rating: 100%

Despite being nearly 70 years old, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre is still a must-watch for all cinephiles. The John Huston-directed and -written movie follows three men as they look for gold. Along the voyage, the three men face challenges from themselves as well as bandits and inclement weather. Fred C. Dobbs, played by Humphrey Bogarts, is a guy who believes that his two fellow companions are determined to steal his portion of the riches. Howard and Curtin (Tim Holt) are with Dobbs (Walter Huston). Can the three men get past their paranoia and together locate the treasure? Or will their avarice lead to disaster?

27. The Treasure Of Sierra Madre (1948)

27. The Treasure Of Sierra Madre (1948)


26. The Dark Knight (2008) – Rating: 94%

With his 2008 film The Dark Knight, director Christopher Nolan upped the ante after making the spectacular Batman Begins in 2005. The Joker, Batman’s greatest foe, has already appeared on several occasions. But the late Heath Ledger gave the villain the best performance up to that time. Ledger did a great job of capturing the essence of the Joker with his delivery and peculiar mannerisms. The Dark Knight established a new bar for superhero films with the addition of Two-Face and a superb performance from Christian Bale as Batman. Ledger received the Best Supporting Actor Oscar after his passing, which is a real testament to the work he put into the role.

26. The Dark Knight (2008) Rating 94%

26. The Dark Knight (2008) Rating 94%