Rotten Tomatoes Say That These Are The Top 30 Worst Films Of All Time

Published on 08/04/2022

4. Gotti (2018) – Rating: 0%

How is a tale concerning John Gotti’s life so thoroughly misrepresented? Gotti, a 2020 film directed by Kevin Connolly (E from Entourage), is one of the worst gangster films you will ever see (if you subject yourself to that type of punishment). You’ll never be able to forget the iconic mobster played by John Travolta. Throughout the duration of the movie, you will only be able to watch Travolta, so you won’t be fully involved in the plot. Other than giving Travolta grey hair, there didn’t seem to be any attempt to alter his appearance. Spending five minutes reading Wikipedia will teach you more about Gotti than nearly two hours of watching this movie.

4. Gotti (2018) - Rating: 0%

4. Gotti (2018) – Rating: 0%


3. A Thousand Words (2012) – Rating: 0%

There is no doubt that Eddie Murphy is one of the best comedians of all time. So could you possibly explain why someone would primarily remove his voice from a movie? In A Thousand Words, a tree’s life determines how long Murphy will live. Each time he talks, a leaf from the tree falls. The death of Murphy’s character will occur once all the leaves have fallen. Yes, it is an intriguing idea. Murphy’s presence on the screen would be useless if he were to be silenced. Even though this isn’t the worst movie you’ll ever see, you shouldn’t voluntarily squander hours of your life watching a toned-down Eddie Murphy.

3. A Thousand Words (2012) - Rating: 0%

3. A Thousand Words (2012) – Rating: 0%