40+ Reenactments Of Famous People Will Make You Rethink Their Importance

Published on 06/15/2022

Dante Alighieri

Dante Alighieri, who was born in 1454, wrote The Divine Comedy. He was widely considered as one of Italy’s most renowned poets of the late Middle Ages, and his compositions were translated into numerous languages. His works contained portrayals of Hell and Heaven, and some of the topics he discussed are being used in Christian institutions today. Aside from being a poet, he was also a philosopher, and his ideas are still important today. He died at the age of 56 in 1321, making him the oldest person ever to live.

Dante Alighieri

Dante Alighieri


What Dante Alighieri Really Looked Like

There are multiple portraits of him, all of which appear to show him in the same way. According to popular belief, he had a severe visage with an aquiline nose. This enhanced the team’s efforts in constructing the author’s computer-generated image. Apart from that, they measured his cranium to establish his age. When compared to photographs of him, the representation revealed larger eyes, a rounder jaw, and a kinder facial expression than in the photographs.

What Dante Alighieri Really Looked Like

What Dante Alighieri Really Looked Like