40+ Reenactments Of Famous People Will Make You Rethink Their Importance

Published on 06/15/2022

The Lord Of Sipan

The Lord of Sipan’s finding was the first in a series of discoveries known as the Moche mummies. In 1987, archaeologists in Peru discovered him. It was a monumental discovery. They discovered a slew of goods buried with his remains. What methods did they employ to bring this historical figure to life? Let’s take a look and see what we can find.

The Lord Of Sipan

The Lord Of Sipan


What The Lord Of Sipan Really Looked Like

When the pressure of the silt shattered the skull of one of the mummies while they were unearthing them, the forensic team was presented with a difficult predicament. Thank god for modern technology, which enabled the restoration of all 96 ship components. They used photogrammetry to rearrange the bones in his skull. The image below was created in collaboration with the Forensic Anthropology and Forensic Odontology Teams in Brazil.

What The Lord Of Sipan Really Looked Like

What The Lord Of Sipan Really Looked Like