You Won’t Believe What They Just Found Out About The “Shroud Of Turin”

Published on 04/24/2022

A Place Called Silwan

Are you interested in learning more about biblical discoveries? To begin with, there’s Silwan. It’s a Jerusalem neighborhood in the Old City. While digging in a potato patch in 2004, sewage workers discovered an antique artifact by mistake. They stumbled onto a hidden treasure hoard that had not been explored in a long time.

A Place Called Silwan

A Place Called Silwan


Back In The Day

Silwan used to be more than just a Jerusalem suburb. We’ll have to go all the way back to 516 B.C. to find out. in this instance At the time, it was a religiously engaged community. There was, however, more to it than just its location on a map.

Back In The Day

Back In The Day