Homo Sapiens And Humility
This is possibly the inverse of all those tattoos showing Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. However, this is a photo that everyone saw back in the day. Individuals are left bewildered as a result of this. What were you hoping to leave on your body? Perhaps it was a method of reminding him that they were mortals, or that humans descended from apes.

Homo Sapiens And Humility
Nothing Is More Regrettable Than This
We’re not sure why, but some people seek satirical tattoo designs. Furthermore, this appears to be a total letdown! It’s adequate for conveying the concept. But are you certain you can deal with folks who believe you’ve had a low IQ your entire life? We’re going to have to say no. In each situation, the tattooist, not the individual who did it, should be held accountable.

Nothing Is More Regrettable Than This