Taking It To Court
“Now, four months after the fire and all the remodels, I get served papers to go to court for $10,300. At 18 years old, I’m having to hire a lawyer to work in my case. When we finally do get into court, I lay everything out: the quotes, being harassed multiple times, not showing up after agreeing to a deal, not wanting me to get my own quotes (required by law, btw), and her bragging about conning me out of money… and, I have proof of all of this,” Kristopher said proudly.

Taking It To Court
What The Judge Told Her
“The judge looked at her and said, ‘Ma’am with all due respect, you’re out of your dadgum mind. Not only did this young man tell the truth of what happened, but he also offered to pay you more than he was supposed to,’” Kristopher said as he recalled what the judge said. “‘Your lawn was already dead before the fire occurred therefore, he is only responsible for the fence of $1200. I will also deduct from this his lawyer fees,’” he added.

What The Judge Told Her