Not-Fitting Pants
Whether you mainly wear jeans, retro pants or stylish dress pants, it is important that they fit you well. What’s the point of buying jeans that are too long? They will only wear out faster if you keep stepping on them. Some men may think this makes their legs look thinner, but in reality they look flabby. Pants that are too wide are also out of the question. It doesn’t matter if you think they will fit you better in the future, save your money and refrain from buying for now.

Not-Fitting Pants
Elf Shoes
Cheap shoes with plastic soles and pointed toes that appear at the end do not look stylish. They don’t even look remotely acceptable. These shoes are so awful that even their ubiquity hasn’t diluted their utter ridiculousness. First, they don’t last more than a few weeks before the soles burn through. Second, they make their wearers look like medieval peasants. Or elves. Thirdly, nobody will respect you if you wear these shoes. Not even other people wearing them. Nobody.

Elf Shoes