Justine Van Den Borne tried her hardest not to be negatively impacted by the rude note when she read it. She just can not take it anymore, though. She photographed the note and wrote an open letter to whoever had left the bit of paper in her windshield. “On the day you saw me I was having a good day, I was walking with my daughter unaided having a nice day. Thank you for ruining that.” What made Justine so sad that moment?

This Woman Found A Note That Made Her Cry Because Of How Rude It Was
At The Parking Lot
We’ve have seen lot of cars that are improperly parked or parked in the wrong spots. It was even worse when we saw people parking their cars in handicapped parking spaces. However, now was an excellent time to act and seek justice for the disabled. They should learn something from the message. Instead, the author of that note might have learned a more important lesson that same day…

At The Parking Lot