Hidden Product Features We Wish We Knew About Earlier

Published on 11/30/2021

“Your Mirrors Can Actually Double As Dry-erase Boards”

It is primarily for folks who require reminders or who enjoy the extra motivation that this hidden function is designed to provide. You can write anything you want on your bathroom mirror to serve as a reminder. It might be a motivating message, a reminder to make a purchase or anything else that pops into your head.

Your Mirrors Can Actually Double As Dry Erase Boards

Your Mirrors Can Actually Double As Dry Erase Boards


Before Eating, Remove The Bones

Have you ever seen anyone consume wings in this manner? If you remove the bone from the wing before eating it, you will not be leaving any meat on the bone. All that is required is that you locate the larger end of the bone and begin wiggling it. It should be able to slip easily out!

Before Eating, Remove The Bones

Before Eating, Remove The Bones