Strange Photos Caught By Trail Cams Explained By Experts

Published on 06/04/2021

Looking Similar To A Disney Movie

If you’ve seen The Lion King, this image may remind you of it. Sure, it’s not a meerkat on a hog, but it’s close enough, right? We can tell these two are greatest friends just by looking at them!

Looking Similar To A Disney Movie

Looking Similar To A Disney Movie


The Last Thing The Trailer Cam Saw

According to the owner of the photo, their trailer cam was completely shattered and shattered beyond repair. This is what they noticed after checking what it caught before it was destroyed. Isn’t it hilarious? I wouldn’t be angry if I were them; instead, I’d be thrilled that my trailer camera managed to catch that image before it fell apart.

The Last Thing The Trailer Cam Saw

The Last Thing The Trailer Cam Saw