Stop Looking Older Than You Seem By Avoiding These Outdated Fashion Trends

Published on 11/16/2021

Chunky Sneakers

Although bulky heels, booties, and sneakers are currently fashionable, the truth is that they make you appear larger and older! Shoes with a slimmer silhouette, such as ankle-strap flats or kitten heels, are ideal. Keep an eye out for the Fila disruptors!

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Chunky Sneakers


Too Trendy

While we all enjoy wearing contemporary clothing, there is such a thing as being too trendy. When a trend fades, it’s time to let it go; wearing clothes from the previous year will make you look old and out of touch, not young and trendy. Classic styles like plaid and leather are a better bet because they’ll last a long time.

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Too Trendy