Funny Misunderstood Fast Food Orders

Published on 02/01/2021

One Ice Cream Sandwich

We love McDonald’s ever-changing menu and its ability to keep up with an evolving market. Even if you’re not a fan of the brand, you still have to admire what it has managed to do in the business world. Despite that, when something like this is served up, it’s somehow amazing that they’re still standing. The order was an ice cream sandwich, and this is what they served. The issue here is not the perfectly dispensed dairy. Do people actually eat stuff like this, or was the one who made this being a little scamp on purpose?

One Ice Cream Sandwich

One Ice Cream Sandwich


A Lettuce Burger

Over the past couple of years, low carb diets have become more and more popular as people try to turn away from gluten and find a healthier way of eating. While it’s not for everyone, restaurants are slowly trying to find ways to take a bite at that growing market. Keto-friendly burgers are now becoming a more common offering at restaurants. You might think that a lettuce burger sounds good, and perhaps it is, but this one is not your typical lettuce burger. It is served in a head of lettuce cut down the middle. We’ll let you decide if this one is a success or not.

A Lettuce Burger

A Lettuce Burger