These Photos Of Celebrities And Their Lookalikes Will Have You Wondering If Reincarnation Is Real

Published on 07/16/2020

Glenn Close And George Washington

Glenn Close is known by a lot of us, especially because she was said to be “Long considered one of the great actresses of our time,” but if you haven’t taken a closer look before, you might haven’t realized that she looks a lot like the first President of the United States, George Washington.

Glenn Close And George Washington

Glenn Close And George Washington


Mesut Özil And Enzo Ferrari

Is Mesut Özil, a German footballer, immortal? Some football fans believe Mesut Özil is the reincarnation of Enzo Ferrari, the founder of Ferrari. The creepiness doesn’t end there, though. The Italian racing driver and entrepreneur died on August 14, 1988, just in time for the reincarnation to take place before Özil’s birth on October 15, 1988.

Mesut Ozil And Enzo Ferrari

Mesut Özil And Enzo Ferrari