These Photos Of Celebrities And Their Lookalikes Will Have You Wondering If Reincarnation Is Real

Published on 07/16/2020

Justin Timberlake And A Mugshot Of An Unknown Man

There are only two things that would explain this. Justin Timberlake had a past life in the 1870s as a criminal and got reincarnated to the Justin we know now, or “he” never really died at all and just went into hiding. Either way, we are still amazed that a lot of people today look a lot like people of the past.

Justin Timberlake And A Mugshot Of An Unknown Man

Justin Timberlake And A Mugshot Of An Unknown Man


General George Patton And Donald Trump

We all know more about Donald Trump, so let’s talk about General George Patton here. He is known for commanding the Seventh United States Army in the Mediterranean theater of World War II After the Allied invasion of Normandy in June 1944, as well as the Third United States Army in France and Germany.

General George Patton And Donald Trump

General George Patton And Donald Trump