40 Military Expressions That The General Public Has No Idea What They Mean

Published on 09/05/2022

Good Idea Fairy

So, who is the fairy of good ideas? The officer is the one who has a bright new idea about how things should be organized on the base. Unfortunately, it almost always requires some extra chores for the lower ranks, which are typically tedious and time-consuming. As a result, it is most emphatically not a praise.

Good Idea Fairy

Good Idea Fairy


Why The Sky Is Blue

What makes the sky blue? According to NASA scientists, this is due to the way sunlight is scattered by the Earth’s atmosphere. However, the United States Army disagrees. The army supposedly asserts in basic training that the hue of the sky is a direct result of infantry fighters wearing blue insignia. And the atmosphere has no choice but to rejoice. We’re not completely convinced.

Why The Sky Is Blue

Why The Sky Is Blue