30+ Rarely Seen Photos You Won’t Find in History Books

Published on 11/04/2022 This article appeared in Journalistate and has been published here with permission.

Conrad Heyer

Conrad Heyer’s claim to fame is that he is possibly the world’s oldest man to have been photographed. Heyer, who was born in 1749, was a farmer before enlisting in the American Revolutionary War. When General George Washington ordered the crossing of the Delaware River in December of 1776, he fought under his command and was even a part of the historic crossing. He was alive till he was 106 years old.

James K. Polk

Known as the 11th President of the United States, James K. Polk was the first to resign after serving only one term in office and without running for re-election. He is best remembered for winning the Mexican-American War, strengthening the executive branch, and decreasing tariffs, all of which contributed to the expansion of United States territory. President Polk was widely regarded as a successful leader who completed the major objectives on his agenda, according to historians and academics.