The Contents Of The Last Will And Testament Of Jerry Lewis Took Everyone By Surprise

Published on 06/09/2021

Difficult To Move On

“Sam will come to me and say, ‘Are we beating ourselves again?’ I will say, ‘A little bit.’ [She’ll say], ‘You had nothing to do with that. You sent [Joseph] out into the world when he was 25. You sent what you thought was a perfect human being. What he did with his time away from you is what the end result showed.’ But I’ll tell you this: you don’t get over that,” Jerry Lewis went on.

Difficult To Move On

Difficult To Move On


Even Though It Was Expected

Anthony had the last word on the matter, however. “I knew I wasn’t going to get anything [in the will]. But the real sticking point, the real dagger in my heart is for the grandchildren [who were cut out]. I’m really sorry that I didn’t have any one-on-one time with [my dad] to express that I love him,” he shared with Inside Edition.

Even Though It Was Expected

Even Though It Was Expected