Difficult To Move On
“Sam will come to me and say, ‘Are we beating ourselves again?’ I will say, ‘A little bit.’ [She’ll say], ‘You had nothing to do with that. You sent [Joseph] out into the world when he was 25. You sent what you thought was a perfect human being. What he did with his time away from you is what the end result showed.’ But I’ll tell you this: you don’t get over that,” Jerry Lewis went on.
Even Though It Was Expected
Anthony had the last word on the matter, however. “I knew I wasn’t going to get anything [in the will]. But the real sticking point, the real dagger in my heart is for the grandchildren [who were cut out]. I’m really sorry that I didn’t have any one-on-one time with [my dad] to express that I love him,” he shared with Inside Edition.