The Contents Of The Last Will And Testament Of Jerry Lewis Took Everyone By Surprise

Published on 06/09/2021

The Death Of The Youngest Son

About a year or so after the death of Joseph, Gary Lewis talked to the National Enquirer and opened up. He had a couple of choice words for their father as well. On top of that, it looked like he blamed their famous father for the tragic passing of his youngest sibling.

The Death Of The Youngest Son

The Death Of The Youngest Son


Choice Words About His Father

He shared, “Jerry Lewis is a mean and evil person. He was never loving and caring toward me or my brothers. I don’t know if Joe’s death is drug-related, but I believe it could have been prevented if he and my father had been on better terms. I believe he partly died of a broken heart. [My father] doesn’t really care.”

Choice Words About His Father

Choice Words About His Father